Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 21 Weeks
Size of baby: about a pound
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 12 lbs
Gender: Boy!
Movement: Feeling the baby move throughout the day much more now.
Sleep: feeling pretty good, still like to take a nap when i can.
How Far Along: 21 Weeks
Size of baby: about a pound
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 12 lbs
Gender: Boy!
Movement: Feeling the baby move throughout the day much more now.
Sleep: feeling pretty good, still like to take a nap when i can.
Cravings: none
Symptons: Heartburn
Maternity Clothes: Went to a clothes swap and surprisingly found lots of cute clothes that fit. Got a few dresses, the cute shirt in the pictures, and some more shirts/sweaters for winter.
Overall feeling pretty good lately. We brought the baby's dresser and the glider upstairs this weekend and put it in our master retreat area. Still trying to decide how to decorate and if we are going to setup the crib in the spare bedroom right away or keep it in our retreat for a while.
Symptons: Heartburn
Maternity Clothes: Went to a clothes swap and surprisingly found lots of cute clothes that fit. Got a few dresses, the cute shirt in the pictures, and some more shirts/sweaters for winter.
Overall feeling pretty good lately. We brought the baby's dresser and the glider upstairs this weekend and put it in our master retreat area. Still trying to decide how to decorate and if we are going to setup the crib in the spare bedroom right away or keep it in our retreat for a while.
Some ideas I've been liking:

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