I've tried to post since Wed, but blogger wasn't working correctly... so now there are a few posts from the past few days that finally published. So much for doing
NaBloPoMo. After having to go to
TN last minute for my
brother's wedding,
Gavin having a cold, me getting sick this weekend, cleaning for company we've had since Thursday... I haven't had much time to post. So a quick update.
Gavin is totally walking all over the place on his own, from one room to the next. And has been since we were in TN. We made it home safe and had a great plane ride. I love flying
Southwest. On the flight to TN we had one extra seat and on the way home we had the whole row to our self. It was great.
Gavin was able to play and move around without disturbing anyone...even though he liked walking up to the next row and looking at and talking to the nice lady and little girl behind us.
When we got home
Gavin had a cold and I had a sore throat for a few days. Thursday we went over the Smith's for dinner and games and Nana and Grandma flew in that evening. We've had a nice visit with them. Friday we went over Sherry's and baked cookies... lots of fun. There were about 5 of us and we all brought different cookie recipes... so we each went home with a variety of cookies.
Saturday I went to see
Pride and Prejudice downtown with a group of 20 friends. I started feeling nauseous during dinner. And didn't make it through the play. I had to call
Clint to come pick me up. I had heard earlier that day that some of our friends that we had dinner with on Thursday had come down with a stomach virus. Well I got it too. I was dissapointed that I didn't get to enjoy the play. But I'm finally feeling better today.
Nana and Grandma leave in the morning and then we are going to
Estes Park and staying in a cabin Wednesday though Sunday. So I won't be posting much more until we return.