Monday, January 12, 2009

2 Year Update/Review

We went to see Doctor Booth friday for Gavin's 2 year old well visit. I told him ahead of time that we would be going to see Dr. Booth and that she would see how big he was and look in his ears and mouth, etc. So we get called back and he doesn't want to go back there to begin with. Then he won't stand on the scale(he stand on ours everyday and watches the numbers change), so I had to hold him and weigh us both and then weigh myself. Don't you love that. He didn't want to get his height measured either. Once Dr. Booth came in though he was a little better. I told him that this was Dr. Booth so he kept calling her that. Then when asked how old he was he said "Uno". He will not say that he is 2 when you ask him, that's a two year old for you I guess. He let her check him out with no problem. He's 36"-80 percentile, 29lbs-60 percentile(not sure how accurate that was). She does want me to have him see an allergist, since he is now allergic to cashews. She said he is very healthy and ahead of the game or right on target in all aspects.

I was going through my photos today, trying to get them a little more organized and found some I'd forgotten about. So I thought a would share a few, for now I have some of Gavin's 1st year.

At the hospital.-Dec

Ready for the assembly.-Jan



At Memorial, Curyl Hair & Asleep in his highchair.-April

1st S'more in Golden Gate.-May

Oustide, Sitting Up, Naptime with Dad.-June

Loving starbucks already(just kidding), Loved to swing, At the Pool, In the Mountains-July

Wave Pool, Dunbar Cave, 1st Camping trop-Aug

New Carseat, Assembly-Sept

Cracker Barrel-Oct

Week In Mountains, Playing with yarn... - Nov


Snow Day!

So Clint woke up at 6am today and came in the bedroom a little before 7 to let me know there was 3-4" of snow outside to our surprise and everyone else's. He asked if it was alright if he took the Subaru since the roads were probably bad. I said sure, since I wouldn't be leaving the house today because of the snow. I guess no one was expecting the snow, it took him 2.5 hours to get to downtown Denver, which normally takes 20-45 min depending on traffic. I think only flurries were in the forecast, so none of the roads had been plowed.

I would really liked to have taken Gavin outside to play in the snow and build a snowman. We haven't had a chance to play in the snow yet this year, the last time it snowed it was -15 during the day, so we stayed in. But we didn't venture out today either because Gavin has a cold. He's been coughing all day and his nose is running. Some of the snow melted, but there is still quite a bit out there, so we will see how long it last and maybe we can play later this week. Knowing the weather here though it will probably be 60° tomorrow.

So instead of playing in the snow, we stayed inside, played, read stories, watched movies and drank hot tea. What do you do when it snows?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Denver Zoo and Zoo Lights

While my sister was visiting we decided to try to go the zoo. Friday, the 2nd was looking good, it was going to be 62°. Gavin laid down for a nap at 11:30 or so, so i figured he'd be awake by 2 at the latest. Well he slept until 3pm. The zoo closed at 5pm and didn't let anyone in after 4pm. We decided to try and go anyways, really how much time did we want to spend at the zoo. So after getting lost on the way we arrived at 3:45. I knew Denver Zoo Lights was also going on starting at 5pm, so I asked and the cashier said if we stayed in the zoo when it closed at 5 we could enjoy the lights also and it wouldn't cost anymore. So we were able so see most of the animals before it got dark and then enjoyed the lights for about 45 minutes before meeting Clint and some friends for dinner at 6pm.

Gavin liked watching the giraffes and love the elephants!

I asked Gavin to sit in front of the peacock and this is what he did. Every time I would go to take a picture of him any other time, he would run out of the frame. So this is the best we got, sorry the pictures aren't too great, my camera hasn't been working too well.