Wakeup at 8:30. Finish Economy ad and Hodges ad.
Clint works from home
Gavin wakes up at 10
Watch a few minutes of Lion King 1-1/2 while eating bananas
Shower for me and Gavin
Eat a bar while driving
Meet Jackie, Nancy, Rebecca for Field Service at noon until 2
Goodwill with Jackie and Kayla... good deals 2 skirts, Gap jeans and 6 Hardcover John Grisham books, Hardie boys, Thomas the train books.
Drive home, check mail, water Sherry's plants.
Gavin falls asleep in car. Clint takes him in to bed since he was home and off early
Order Pics from snapfish
Make dinner... scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits
Bookstudy, Clint conducts again since everyone is in the Dominican
Clean Stapleton, Sheridan, Orchard & Larkridge Verizon Wireless stores with Deb
Stop at Starbucks before Sheridan store and we both wanted a Signature Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate, but they were out of the mix at both stores we tried. So we settled for a regular Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate
Get home about midnight.
Get on computer for a little while.
Go to bed about 1am
57° and cloudy
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