Alie did a week in the life project on her blog. So I decided to follow along and try to document a week in our life. It was hard to remember what we did each day, even at the end of the day. This is one of the craziest weeks in our life, it has been one of the most unusual abnormal weeks we've had in a while. Each night I typed up what went on and will be adding the pictures and uploading them over the next day or so
Wake up around 10:30(which is way later than normal, but I've been cleaning 3-4 Verizon stores every night for the past 10 days.), get Gavin out of bed, he walks in my room with elmo and oscar
When we get downstairs Gavin says uh-oh and points to the wall I started to pain of Saturday, so Tonya and Ben could see if they liked the color for her bedroom
Finish loading the dishwasher
Eat Frosted Mini-Wheat, Gavin eats Oatmeal with Peanut butter
Watch the end of In Between the Lions
Gavin plays with his little people school bus
Talk to Deb on the phone
Play with Leap Frog Fridge Phonics letter toy and work on some letters with Gavin, he can pick out the letter 'M'
Type up a list of books we have and read a couple blogs
Take a shower, Gavin plays on our bed and reads a book
String Cheese for snack
Walk to Sherry's to water plants and her get newspaper(They are on vacation in the Dominican Republic)
Feed Gavin pears, chicken & pumpkin cranberry cookie
He falls asleep while eating. Naps for an hour.
Work a little bit on Economy ad
Eat Chicken Tortilla soup
Clint comes home.
UPS package comes.
Take nap 5:30-6:30
Computer till 7:40
Pickup Deb at 7:45
Clean Stapleton, Sheridan, Orchard Verizon Wireless stores.
Starbucks, after Stapleton store, get a toffee almond bar and passion iced tea.
Get home around 11
Still wired from cleaning so don't get to bed till after midnight
Cloudy, High of 51°
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