Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Life In The Week ~ Sunday

Wake-up at 8:45, Clint was already up for an hour
Throw some clothes on and out the door
Clean Brighton Verizon Wireless store, this is my week off, but Deb was going out of town for the day
Return home and have Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast
Start cleaning, dishes, laundry, picking up. straighting up. etc.
Pay bills
Gavin wakes up at noon(he didn't get to bed until 11pm last night, since we were at Simon and Kara's)
Clint makes grilled cheese for lunch
Clint brings in the chair we bought last night for Gavin's room
Re-arrange Gavin's room, organize all his books and toys
Wash sheets, make bed and try to decide which quilt I like best out of the 2 that we bought
Go through Gavin's clothes to see what is too small
Pick up Caroli's at Roma's on the way home
Eat at home
More laundry
Run to Target to get diapers and pick up some ice cream too
Watch 3 episodes of Arrested Development (a new series we got from Netflix, that Clint thought we might like)
Computer time - email, blog, etc.
Go to bed at 11
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Week In The Life ~ Saturday

Wake up at 6:15
Get ready
Leave at 6:40
Meet Jackie, Kenzi, Kalya & Shaun at Albertson's for early morning service
While out early stop at Starbucks and get a Venti Salted Carmel Signature Hot Chocolate & Pumpkin Bread
Meet at 9:00 at Abosso's for service, Clint and Gavin meet too
Work with Rich and Sherry until 12
Arc Thrift Store... get 3 steins (for Clint's Oktoberfest next weekend) and a couple books
Go home, Gavin falls asleep on the way
Eat Tuna Melts for lunch
Take a nap 2:30-4:30
Gavin wakes up a little after 5
Run to Target to get cookies and icecream to take over Simon and Kara's
Hang out over Simon and Kara's with Sara, Darren and Tina, enchiladas and rice for dinner
Play Farkel
Watch Seinfeld
Come home about 11pm,
Clint put Gavin to bed
Get on computer for a little bit
Week In The Life ~ Friday

Wake up about 9:30
Get ready
Gavin gets up
Eat breakfast
Do some laundry
Take a walk
Gavin keeps saying store, store, so we go to target and walk around for a while, he plays in the cart
Get him a fruit smoothie on the way out
Run in dollar store real quick
Return home
Gavin swings in the porch swing
Water plants
Eat lunch
We talk to Papa on phone and on video over msn
Gavin takes a nap 4-5
Go over talk on phone with Sherry for tonight
Gavin wakes up screaming Papa, Papa
Clint gets home from work and finally gets Gavin calmed down
We talk to Omi on video over msn
Get ready for Meeting
Meeting, Clint and I both have talks
Watch Battlestar Galactica
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Week In The Life ~ Thursday

Wake up at 9:30
Get ready
Gavin wakes up
Gavin eats peanut butter and bananas
Load dishwasher
Get diaper bag together
See train driving by as we leave our subdivision
Go get license plates for my Subaru Forester
Come back home and eat lunch
Go to bank of the west and deposit check
Hang out at Jackie's, Gavin watches elmo on the computer and colors and plays, watch Indian Jones
Eat Papa Murphy's Pizza and wings for dinner at Davies
Gavin falls asleep on the couch
Head home and put Gavin to bed
Watch Battlestar Galactica
75° Mostly sunny
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Week In The Life ~ Wednesday

Wake up around 10am
Gavin eats peanut butter oatmeal
Bring the milk, butter & eggs in from Royal Crest Dairy
Watch a little of Lion Kin 1-1/2
Play with Leap Frog Fridge Phonics letter toy and work on some letters with Gavin... he can pick out the 'S'
Talk to Trina on the phone
Shower while Gavin plays with his Tyco Blocks
Get dressed and Gavin dressed
Plant Pansies
Gavin drives his toy off the porch and falls
Take a walk & check yesterday's mail
Play with Gavin
Gavin eats some string cheese and more peanut butter oatmeal
Read 2 Bible Stories
Gavin takes a 1-1/2hr nap
Rest in between phone calls
Greek Salad for dinner
Chick-fil-a for ice cream cones
Give Gavin a bath
Clint reads Gavin Bible Stories and put him to bed
Download, backup, organize pictures
Watch Battlestar Galactica Season 4 Episode 1 on laptop
60°s and sunny
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Week In The Life ~ Tuesday

Wakeup at 8:30. Finish Economy ad and Hodges ad.
Clint works from home
Gavin wakes up at 10
Watch a few minutes of Lion King 1-1/2 while eating bananas
Shower for me and Gavin
Eat a bar while driving
Meet Jackie, Nancy, Rebecca for Field Service at noon until 2
Goodwill with Jackie and Kayla... good deals 2 skirts, Gap jeans and 6 Hardcover John Grisham books, Hardie boys, Thomas the train books.
Drive home, check mail, water Sherry's plants.
Gavin falls asleep in car. Clint takes him in to bed since he was home and off early
Order Pics from snapfish
Make dinner... scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits
Bookstudy, Clint conducts again since everyone is in the Dominican
Clean Stapleton, Sheridan, Orchard & Larkridge Verizon Wireless stores with Deb
Stop at Starbucks before Sheridan store and we both wanted a Signature Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate, but they were out of the mix at both stores we tried. So we settled for a regular Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate
Get home about midnight.
Get on computer for a little while.
Go to bed about 1am
57° and cloudy
Monday, October 13, 2008
Week In The Life ~ Monday

Alie did a week in the life project on her blog. So I decided to follow along and try to document a week in our life. It was hard to remember what we did each day, even at the end of the day. This is one of the craziest weeks in our life, it has been one of the most unusual abnormal weeks we've had in a while. Each night I typed up what went on and will be adding the pictures and uploading them over the next day or so
Wake up around 10:30(which is way later than normal, but I've been cleaning 3-4 Verizon stores every night for the past 10 days.), get Gavin out of bed, he walks in my room with elmo and oscar
When we get downstairs Gavin says uh-oh and points to the wall I started to pain of Saturday, so Tonya and Ben could see if they liked the color for her bedroom
Finish loading the dishwasher
Eat Frosted Mini-Wheat, Gavin eats Oatmeal with Peanut butter
Watch the end of In Between the Lions
Gavin plays with his little people school bus
Talk to Deb on the phone
Play with Leap Frog Fridge Phonics letter toy and work on some letters with Gavin, he can pick out the letter 'M'
Type up a list of books we have and read a couple blogs
Take a shower, Gavin plays on our bed and reads a book
String Cheese for snack
Walk to Sherry's to water plants and her get newspaper(They are on vacation in the Dominican Republic)
Feed Gavin pears, chicken & pumpkin cranberry cookie
He falls asleep while eating. Naps for an hour.
Work a little bit on Economy ad
Eat Chicken Tortilla soup
Clint comes home.
UPS package comes.
Take nap 5:30-6:30
Computer till 7:40
Pickup Deb at 7:45
Clean Stapleton, Sheridan, Orchard Verizon Wireless stores.
Starbucks, after Stapleton store, get a toffee almond bar and passion iced tea.
Get home around 11
Still wired from cleaning so don't get to bed till after midnight
Cloudy, High of 51°
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Cider Days
We went to Cider Days in Lakewood on Sunday. Some of the things we enjoyed were the arts & crafts booths, a vintage tractor pull, food, cider, barrel train rides and the petting zoo. We bought 10 lbs of Gala, Jonnagold and Jonathon apples. Clint got to use an apple press from the the late 1880s and made us about a half gallon of fresh apple cider.

Chopping up the apples

Pressing the apples

Out comes the cider

Petting the goat

Scottish Highlander

Petting a baby goat.

Tractor pull

Gavin thought the apple piece was a sucker.
Chopping up the apples
Pressing the apples
Out comes the cider
Petting the goat
Scottish Highlander
Petting a baby goat.
Tractor pull
Gavin thought the apple piece was a sucker.
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