Today my midwife came by for our 1 day checkup. We are both doing great. Liam has lost 5 ounces and looks great, no jaundice. Nursing isn't going as easy as it started out yesterday. It is pretty painful no matter how many times I re-latch him, but the midwife said his latch looks great. So I'll just keep trying. I am aloud to go downstairs now, but have to sit with my feet up and take it easy.

Weighing Liam

I made it downstairs and am spending some time with Gavin and his new camera.

Nana and Liam

Grandma and Liam

Sleepy Liam

Daddy bouncing Liam on the exercise ball.
Gosh those first few days of breastfeeding are so painful and frustrating -at least they were for me. It's only been a ittle over a week but persistence has definitely been our key, too.
Also I just have to say that Liam has the most awesome hair ever!
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