Wednesday, July 8, 2009


When my parents were here in May we started the garden. Actually my dad started most of it, i just tried to help where I could. Some of the plants I started from seed indoors didn't make it and had to be replanted. Here are some pictures of the garden a month ago and then some from today. Wish I'd taken them from the same angle, but was in a hurry tonight.
2 Squash plants as of today

Lettuce & Spinach as of today... just picked some. I think the spinach has been ready for a while.

Tomato a month ago and today.

Roma tomatoes a month ago and today. There were three tomatoes on it when planted and they've at least doubled in size

Birdhouse Gourd Gavin planted from seed a month ago and today.

Cherry Tomato plant a month ago and today with lots of blooms.

Tomato plant a month ago and today with 2 tomatoes and blooms.

My whole garden... we've added some mulch around the border, I still need to fix the stepping stones and put some mulch in between them. Notice all the wild pumpkin plants throughout the garden that came up. I've pulled at least 20-30 already. I've pulled most of the weeds. Most of the green you see is grass clippings from mowing the grass yesterday, we still need to get a bagger.

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