Two weeks from today Clint and I will be sitting on Waikiki Beach. For 3 of the nights we are in Hawaii we will be renting this. We are very excited. Now to just plan what we will do and see while we are there!
It's a winter wonderland here. Been snowing since last night and is suppose to continue until late afternoon tomorrow. I will be posting quite a few posts in the next day or so, they are ones I started and was waiting to put photoshop on my pc so I could edit the photos. Well I haven't loaded photoshop, so the pictures are not edited at all. Gavin's finger paint, but he doesn't like getting his hands dirty And then he passed out Making butternut squash bread(it's just like pumpkin bread) Russian tea mix I also made tonight. It's so yummy!
We went to the Harvest Festival again this year in Thornton with Emily and her kids and Christy and Abby. It was a rainy day. Gavin wasn't into going on any of the rides or fun things for kids like he did last year. So I mainly got pictures of the other kids riding the train, pony and playing on the inflatables. Here are a couple pictures of Gavin there.
In the petting zoo. Gavin and his balloon elephant Riding in his wagon
At the beginning of September I took a trip to North Platte, Nebraska for the weekend. Had a great time with friends and was able to relax a little. We enjoyed cooking out and playing with sparklers outside the first evening. Went to Cody park the following day, it was chilly outside. You can see the albino peacock in the background. Saw this awesome garden on the way home from the park. They used bed rails on each end of these gourd plants for them to grow on. You could walk thru it. Inside the gourd 'house' At Lake Maloney the last day before heading home.
Yesterday I picked the last from my garden(expect for a few tomatoes and pumpkins and my watermelon). It got down below freezing a couple nights ago, so most of the plants are done. It's suppose to get down to the 20's this Fri and Sat and snow, so I'll have to cover my watermelons and hope they make it since they aren't big enough to pick yet.
Image credit I saw this recipe recently for Orange Poppyseed Sugar Biscuits and thought I'd give it a try. They turned out great, just a little small(I'm not to good at guessing what 2 inches is), so a little hard for dipping in sorbet. But still tasted delicious. I made a double batch and had the dough to make cookies each day over the weekend.
One of Gavin's favorite things to do right now is make things out of Play-Doh. It will keep him busy for hours. I had thought about making my own. But he doesn't try to eat it and it's so cheap to just buy.