Lots and lots of pictures from our trip in early August.
Swimming, Wave Country, Apple Picking, Hanging out and having fun!
We got to see my Aunt Patty, Uncle Mark and cousins Raechel and Nathan. They just got back to the states from Germany. Also got to spend some time with Kelly and her family, they came to TN for the weekend.
Gavin & Uncle Micah and Aunt Nikki's dog Oscar

Omi & Gavin watching TV and eating a sucker.

Gavin, Uncle Micah & Aunt Nikki

Gavin & Thomas

Gavin looking all cute

Gavin in the toy box.

Gavin playing with Aunt Anita

Aunt Patty, Raechel & Gavin

Thomas & Gavin playing with the Little People school bus.

Oscar and Gavin

Thomas and Gavin playing with Yoda

Uncle Micah, Aunt Tessa and Gavin


Aunt Tessa and Gavin at Wave Country

Gavin and Owen


Picking apples at Oma & Opa's