Gavin has started making many more sounds lately. Yesterday morning
Clint and I both thought he said Da-Da, but we weren't for sure. Then in the afternoon
Gavin and I were shopping at
Ross with Kara and he repeatedly said Dada. He has said it many more times throughout the day, but as soon as we repeated it he stopped saying it. He also started clapping this week, instead of clapping both hands together he claps the back of his hand... it's so cute. It's so exciting to see him catching on to new things and paying more attention when we show him how to do something new.
After shopping we(Kara,
Gavin and I) met
Clint, Simon, Mike(who had been playing Fisbee Golf) and Deb at
C.B. & Potts to have dinner and watch the 3rd game of the World Series. After dinner we all went to our house to finish watching the game. We almost rented a movie to watch, and should have since the game wasn't even worth watching. The
Rockies lost their 3rd game in a row, and went on to loose tonight too.