Weight 25-1/4 lbs 35th%
Height 33" 55th%
Head Circ. 19-1/4 94th%
Not sure how accurate any of them are since I had to stand on the scale with him and he squirmed for both measurements.
She said he was very healthy and seemed really active. And seemed about 3 months ahead developmentaly.
He can say and sign lots of words.
Words he Signs & Says
- Mama
- Dada
- More
- Di-saur
- Buba (for Jami, a girl
- On
- Off
- Baby (usually signs this when he sees baby sophia, a friend of ours little girl)
- boo-boo, hurt, owdow (owie)
- gama (grandma)
- outsi (outside)
- bird
- hot
- Deb (signs crazy, we call her crazy Deb)
- Cold, Brrr
- Cracker
- Cow
- Pig
- ash (trash)
- ass (grass or gas)
- Bible
- ana (adriana)
- opa (open)
- Papa
- Omi
- Choo choo
- uh oh
- nose
- nigh-night
- ball
- airbo (airplane)
- Hop (Help)
- Vata (water)
- Elmo
- Oscar
- Burt
- Ernie
- Tree
- Mable (Marble)
- Oda (Yoda)
- Drink
- Eat
- Coffee
- Loce
- Work
- Cat
- Hungry
- Please
- Thank You
- Sleep